2018 in Review!
2018 was a year of major growth for Global Baseball Adventures in so many ways! 2018 brought students from across Marin & Sonoma Counties to the Dominican Republic in order to bring much needed aide to the DR while playing baseball and creating life long bonds.
In 2018, Global Baseball Adventures had player representatives from five high schools bring over 2,000 pounds of clothing, shoes, school supplies, hygiene products, baseball equipment, police/fire equipment and more to the Dominican Republic!
Not only were our American players able to make the biggest impact in the Dominican Republic to date, but they walked away being impacted in their very own special way:
“While I knew my trip to the DR with Isaias and team would have a big impact, I did not realize just how big of an impact it would create. I gained appreciation for how fortunate I am in my life as well as all that I can learn from other cultures. Through this new lens, I am inspired to not take anything for granted and give back where and when I can.
Tucker Bougie, Tamalpais High School Class of 2021”
Global Baseball Adventures could not be more pleased with the way 2018 unfolded and is so thankful to all players, families and community supporters for being a part of making a difference in communities across the Dominican Republic.
What’s on deck in 2019?
Global Baseball Adventures is beyond grateful for all of the friends in the United States who spread the word about the experiences and work that took place in the Dominican Republic in 2018. The amount of new players/families wanting to experience the Dominican Republic has been so positive that Global Baseball Adventures has officially planned three trips to the DR in 2019 that will be comprised of players from ten different schools across the country! This wouldn’t be possible without former players, their families and US coaches spreading the word about life changing experiences in the Dominican Republic.
Big League Experience
Over the years, Global Baseball Adventures has been fortunate enough to experience playing baseball in an array of facilities across the Dominican Republic. From professional Winter Ball stadiums to private academies to local sandlots, the GBA playing experience has been nothing short of unforgettable!
Global Baseball Adventures is extremely excited to announce that in 2019, players will have a brand new playing experience as GBA has been given permission to host a handful of games at various MLB academies across the Dominican Republic. Although GBA has had the pleasure of touring these facilities in past years, this will be the very first time American high schoolers will step onto these Big League fields as players!

A New MLB Coach on the Team
With the new year came a new and exciting addition to the Global Baseball Adventures coaching staff! GBA is extremely excited and thankful to have Jesse Foppert (former Major League pitcher and 2nd round draft pick of the San Francisco Giants) join the June 17-June 24, 2019 trip.
Jesse Foppert is the head varsity coach at Marin Catholic High School where several of his players will join Global Baseball Adventures in the Dominican Republic as part of their school’s community service requirement.
Not only does Coach Foppert bring a wealth of baseball knowledge to Global Baseball Adventures but his leadership, coaching abilities and close-knit community connections with players/parents makes his presence in the Dominican Republic extra special!

Saona Island Catamaran Excursion for all Trips!
During the last trip of 2018, the amazing hosts at the Casa Del Lago Country Club (where GBA players resided) treated everyone to an unforgettable Caribbean catamaran experience at Saona Island.
Saona Island is an untouched Caribbean oasis located off the southern coast who’s natural beauty has been untouched by tourists. The 30 minute catamaran ride to the island flies by due to the breathtaking scenery made up of of palm trees, crystal clear water and local wild life.
Although the island was once a port for pirates sailing through the Caribbean on the hunt for riches, Saona Island is now a hidden gem where locals come to relax while keeping it a secret in order to preserve the richness of the land and surrounding sea.
What was originally scheduled to be a one hour tour last year during Global Baseball Adventure’s first visit to the island turned in to an all day excursion filled with a catered lunch on the beach, a guided tour of the local turtle preserve and everyone’s favorite part of the experience: having our captain dock the boat in the middle of the Caribbean where everyone was able to jump into the knee deep crystal clear waters to swim and explore the picturesque surroundings.

As 2018 came to an end and planning started for 2019, Global Baseball Adventures made the decision to officially include an all day Saona Island catamaran experience for all groups traveling to the Dominican Republic! If you’re joining GBA in the Dominican Republic during summer 2019 then make sure to bring your bathing suit, flip flops and camera for this experience!
Big Year, Big Impact
While 2019 brings many new and exciting baseball additions to the upcoming trips, what Global Baseball Adventures is most excited about is the positive impact that the American players will leave in the Dominican Republic through the addition of new community service activities.
In response to seeing the intricate needs of the communities that Global Baseball Adventures partners with, Isaias Franco (GBA founder) realized that providing community members with basic necessities would be the catalyst to sustainability and personal empowerment.
Isaias Franco is proud to announce that he will be traveling to the Dominican Republic in April 2019 to meet with all families living in La Piedra, DR in order to determine exactly what items are needed for each household to live a healthy/safe life.
Upon returning from the the Dominican Republic, Isaias will share these findings with all American players signed up to travel to the DR during the summer. These meetings will be the first step in launching the GBA “Adopt a Family” program where each American player will be in charge of collecting hygiene, medical, and other items in order to provide their adoptive Dominican family with items needed to lead a healthy life. Upon arriving in the Dominican Republic, all players will travel to La Piedra in order to meet, spend time with and give back to their assigned family.

In addition to the “Adopt a Family” program, Global Baseball Adventures is beyond excited to roll out the “Community Rebuild” project where all American players will participate in rebuilding the homes of the Dominican exchange players that they spend the week with. In a community where 100% of the population lives under the international poverty line, the ability to bring new and safe dwellings to the community will truly be life changing for both the Americans and Dominicans!

Interested in traveling to the Dominican Republic with Global Baseball Adventures? Email us at [email protected] for trip details!